Our aims
and intent
Our ethos promotes a therapeutic, proactive approach, with strong relationships between staff, learners and their parents/carers. It relies on creating a climate that fosters connection, inclusion, dignity, respect and value for all members of the college community.It is Our Intent that through their time with us, regardless of their level of need, our learners will behave well, communicate more effectively and have increased independence skills.We aim to:
Support each learner by focussing on their individuality and giving them access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum
Enable each learner to function with increased independence and confidence, and assist them in realising their maximum potential
Provide a safe, happy and stimulating environment within which to develop workplace skills
Encourage care and consideration for those around us.

How we meet 16-19
study programme requirements
DVLSC is situated on the old Patcham House School site on Old London Road, in the heart of Patcham village with direct walking access to a small local supermarket and other shops. We are directly on a public bus route which we use for travel training to other destinations (including the city centre & work based learning).
The College is on a secure site with classrooms, withdrawal/quiet rooms, physio room, food technology room, and a main hall.
There are discrete outdoor areas for leisure and work skills development (grounds maintenance).
Our dedicated classrooms have computers and interactive whiteboards as well as a number of iPads to support learner communication and curriculum access. We also use assistive technology (Eye-Gaze) to daily support learner engagement on site.
We have access to some lovely grounds near the Patcham site such as the local peace garden and a park nearby. We also have use of a mini bus with wheelchair access which enables visits out into the community.
Learners common room
Sensory room
Eye gaze room
Speach and language therapist room
Food technology room
Physiotherapy room
Lunch hall
Outdoor spaces
Garden area
Link to Downs View School & Downs View Link College
As we are linked with Downs View Schools and Downs View Link College we have access to the hydrotherapy pool (for those students that benefit medically from its use) and other facilities.